Frequently asked questions

What is sport psychology?

Sport psychology focuses on helping athletes improve their physical and mental performance in their sport. This can include training, nutrition and mental skills development, among other areas.

How can a sport psychologist help me?

A sport psychologist can help you develop a personalised mental training programme that is tailored to your specific needs and goals, leading to improved mental skills, such as confidence, resilience, and focus. This will enhance both your physical performance and your enjoyment of your sport.

Who can benefit from sport psychology?

Sport psychology can be beneficial for athletes at all levels, from amateur to professional. Whether you are looking to make it to the next level or simply want to improve your performance or find the fun in your sport, a sport psychologist can help you reach your goals.

I don’t compete in sport, how can you help me?

Applied sport psychology techniques don’t just help athletes. They give anyone the strategic skills they need to feel more purposeful, positive, focused, resilient and in control, whether in the work place or your personal life.

How often do I need to work with you?

The frequency of sessions will depend on your individual needs and goals. Some individuals may benefit from weekly sessions, while others may only need one or two sessions per month. The length of time we work together also depends on your long-term goals.

How long does it take to see results from sport or performance psychology?

The length of time it takes to see results from our sessions will depend on your individual circumstances and goals. Some individuals may see improvements within a few weeks – or even after one session – while others may take longer to see progress.
It is important to be patient and stay committed to the process in order to see the best results.

Ready to get started? Book your free intro session today